person holding his phone on his hand sitting besides another person looking at an infographic

Why Dayamed

Increase your patients’ medication adherence and improve their outcomes

person taking a photo of a pills container with her phone

Some facts about falls:

  • Taking more than five medications is associated with a twofold increase in the chance of a fall
  • Dizziness and drowsiness are two of the most common medication side effects and also a major cause of falls
  • Urinary urgency (rushing to get up to go to the bathroom) and frequency is a major side effect of medications and a major cause of falls

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Fixing the leaky bucket of medication adherence

  • Poor chronic disease control / increased complications from chronic disease
  • Poor control of mental health conditions / increased relapse of disease
  • $500 billion in avoidable healthcare costs annually
  • 125,000 potentially preventable deaths annually
  • Accounts for up to 25% of hospitalizations in the United States

Reduce rehospitalizations through improved medication adherence

Our solution helps providers and health plans to improve:

  • Patient Satisfaction
  • Care Coordination
  • Provider-to-Provider Communication
  • Access to Prescriptions

Our solution increases medication adherence and:

  • Reduces A1C Scores
  • Reduces falls
  • Improves blood pressure scores
  • Improves CHF management
  • Improves management of mental health conditions
happy people playing in a kids swing alongside their dog